In most countries this is an okay thing to do as long as you are not trespassing on private property and exercising some safety to ascertain that you are not sending ricochet bullets in the direction of people, property or animals and also your own safety.
A typical Plinking target - these are actual products called 'Spinners'
Shot to hell ... an old disused piece of junk now used as a Plinking target
To prevent Plinking becoming the next thing your government wants to regulate, follow some basic safety;
- If in an area where you are not sure if others are around (woods, forrests, hills etc) yell out a warning before shooting,
- Wear some safety gear - mainly shooting glasses,
- Do not trespass on someones property! This will be annoying to them and may get the Police involved,
- Don't place a target in front of rocks or other solid objects - make sure there is an adequate backdrop,
- Don't dress in full military camo or black tactical gear - it's just too suspicious and draws attention,
- Clean up your area after the session - Don't litter or leave a mess, again this will draw criticism to Plinking but mostly to shooting sports culture as a whole,
- Check out the area, just use common sense and make some good judgements before starting

I hope that one day Plinking can be seen as a innocent form of recreational shooting and not so alienated as it is (well it is pretty much non existent and if done in the UK I bet its very underground)
If anybody knows how to get the government and local authorities involved in supplying a designated area outside every major city in the UK where Plinkers can go for a shoot, please comment, it is something I would seriously like to see happen in the future - I know it would be a major H&S pain the the crack but why not try?
For those overseas who'se governments still have not taken away all of their rights, well have fun next time you go out plinking! and also have a minute of silence for us poor UK shooters! ;)
Long Range Steel Plinking video:
(hey I know these are Centerfire rifles and not Rimfire - just watch and shut up!) ;)

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