Here is a great example of how uneducated journalists, editors and the general public can be when it comes to ... well, anything really! The Link below is of a Sun newspaper article
(I honestly don't know how anybody can read this newspaper and come off not being stupider) The article is an excellent show of how the British Media system plays on the general public's ignorance and blows almost Everything out of proportion with mass exaggeration - in this example someone either from the newspaper itself or a person ''concerned citizen'' informed them that a UK based company sells the
''Sandy Hook Massacre Guns''
Yes, they are trying to say that a UK company is Legally selling AR-15's but guess what? What is it that they are selling? .22 LR semi automatic rifles that are similar to AR-15's but are NOT AR-15's !
AR 15 .223 Rifle |
What is an AR-15 ?? A semi automatic rifle that fires Similar ammunition to military rifles (.223 cal or 5.56mm), this ammunition is used in the UK to Hunt Foxes etc. the ammunition is Too Powerful for Squirrels, Rabbits & so on, in fact, it is not recommended for Deer stalking as it may not have enough power to kill the animal. Further AR-15's are Not even Assault Rifles!
Ruger SR22 - 22LR Rifle |
Now on to the SR22 made by Ruger and perfectly Legal in the United Kingdom, The
SR22 may look similar yo the
AR15 but just look closer, you don't have to be an expert to see the difference in the shape and also magazine size (which gives an idea of the size of the ammunition) This rifle shoots .22LR Rimfire ammunition which is not in any way in the same category and firepower as the .223 of the AR15!
AR-15 on Left & .22LR on Right |
The .22LR is a much smaller bullet (the entire bullet being about the height of a 2pence coin), much much smaller and is in fact the smallest cartridge in firearms today, it Does Not have the same ability to kill or ''Massacre'' as this moronically written article seems to moan about - these rifles only look mean but they are NOT on the same level of firepower as the rifle used in the Sandy Hook Shootings.
Here is a small snippet of the article:
''LETHAL assault rifles like the one used in America’s Sandy Hook school massacre are being LEGALLY sold in Britain.
A Welsh-based firm is advertising a Ruger SR-22 semi-automatic as a “clone” of an AR-15, the gun loner Adam Lanza used to kill 26 people.
Shocked campaigners are demanding new gun controls after The Sun discovered British dealers selling the weapons. ''
Article Link
Here is the email of the Journalist who Investigated this story:
The Shooter in the Sandy Hook incident did Not use an AR-15, instead he used Two pistols, the AR-15 was found later in the trunk of his car unused
ReplyDeleteYou are right - media lies that the brainless public follow without question