
UK Law Watch

Lead Shot Ban ! ( U.K. )

From: Page 44 Gun Mart Vol 30 December 2012 ( UK )

                                                      SOS = Save Our Sport
''A proposed Lead Shot Ban could mean the beginning of the end for all shooting sports.
It will not just be the shotgunners. It will be ALL shooters, please take this very seriously. Thers is no evidence that lead is poisoning humans or animals, but certain organisations seem hell bent on getting all lead ammunition banned. some beleive it is a 'backdoor' conspiracy to STOP ALL SHOOTING. If lead is banned there may be substitutes for shotgun pellets, but there are no suitable priced substitutes for lead bullets for target and quarry shooting, and beleive me the loss of .22 rimfire, which is the most common cartridge in the world, could sound the death knell to all shooting clubs.
Help us fight this proposed ban.''

There is no evidence that shows the lead in ammunition is dangerous or poisonus to animals or could contaminate the environment - to get lead in dangerous levels you would have to enhale fumes which can only occur if the lead were to be melted / exposed to around 900 degrees Fahrenheit !

If you are a shooter wheather in a club shooting targets, a hunter / vermin controller or even just an individual who beleives in basic freedoms - please do your bit for the sport and for the general freedom of being able to choose for yourself what pastime you enthuse in and not have the government dicatate to us under false pretences - there is a global drive to reduce gun ownership amongst civillians and I strongly beleive this 'ban' is just one method to reduce gun ownership and overall choke the culture.
Please consider taking part in any protests if any occur in the future, 30 years ago it was normal in England for many families to own guns especially .22 Sporting Rifles and Shotguns.
Guns have now been severely alienated despite good exposure such as the recent 2012 Olympics, it is partially the media hyping certain events and the general public always buying into what is featured in mainstream media
In conclusion, a Lead Shot ban would pretty much eliminate the most common of all shooting pastimes; the 22LR - even if companies came up with an alternative to lead, the prices will definitely be increased, .22 shooting sports would no longer be easy on ones pocket ! You can still find UK sellers who have ammunition for under £3 per box of 50 ! but thats Now ....
UK Handgun Ban Repeal a possible reality ?

1 comment:

  1. Today's society is mad! They support anything the government throws at them, as long as they themselves aren't affected by the changes or new laws! If this goes down we need to protest and Not Stop protesting until it gets thrown out! We brits need to stop letting the government treat us the way they have for the last century!!!! I will take off work for a solid month if I have to be present at a long protest, this is a culture they are trying to elimintate here
