
Hunting / Vermin Page

This will be the dedicated page for Hunting / Vermin control information, this will include Tracking, Firearms, Ammunition, Game / Quarry, and so on!
This will be a large page - we will try our best to imporve navigation, although this is a blog and we do not have many options in terms of layout, just keep in mind we have a search feature on the right side panel >

Click here for the Wind Forecaster for the hunters out there (UK, Scotland, Ireland, Wales and the Islands)

If in the UK - first double check the BASC website as legislation on hunting and quarrey is constantly changing - Click here for BASC

Hunting Season/s List:

All Year Round; Fox, Rat, Mice, Rabbit, Grey Squirrel, Mink, Weasel, Stoat & Feral Cat - controlled by legally approved methods.
Squirrel Hunting / Control
Typical position when inactive on tree branches
Species: Eastern Grey Squirrel
Season/s: All year round (UK)
Origin: Eastern & Midwestern USA + Southern Canada
Introduced: South Africa, England, Ireland and Italy
Alien Species / Problems: Causing the displacement of the Threatened Red Squirrel in UK and now a concern in Europe due to being intoduced to Italy
Wiki: ''In the UK, if a "grey squirrel" (eastern gray squirrel) is trapped, under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, it is illegal to release it or to allow it to escape into the wild; instead, it should be humanely destroyed.''
Noteable Behviour: Non hibernating, Reproduction Twice per year, nest either in hollowed out tree trunks or they create  nests like birds in tree forks consisting of leaves and twigs / branches

<< In public parks the animals are not shy - they will come right up to individuals and grab food from the palm of your hand - some even will climb up the legs of park visitors if the person stands still enough

 Tracking - Snow:

Grey Squirrel Tracks leading to Tree
Grey Squirrel Tracks in Snow

Hunting / Pest control:
Recommended caliber/s: .22LR or Air Rifles
Reason for these calibers: Anything more powerful ie: .17HMR or .22WMR is overkill and will not leave much meat for cooking etc.
Notes / Advice: check local laws or contact local conservation, find out if any species in your area are endangered / rare, only shoot vermin or pests.

To be continued ...



  1. Thanks for sharing this so informative post!!I really want to appreciate the way you have putted it here..Its marvelous placement. thanks
    Vermin Control

  2. Greetings John, Thanks for your comment and appreciation, we will be sure to keep posting content of this quality and better wherever possible.
    Cheers from the UK !

  3. Great blog. Very useful info.

  4. Some great info here. Thanks.
