Many manufacturers of ammunition especially .22LR have a time frame or ''Manufacturers Consent'' of 2 years, what they mean by this is that they do not guarantee the efficiency or effectiveness after 2 years but, having said that, you will find many avid shooters and gun owners worldwide who have .22LR ammunition bought in the 1980's that still functions correctly and is still dead accurate as the day they bought it, it all boils down to storage / conditions.
Decades old .22LR Ammo |
For example, one factor in .22 ammo is that some bullet lubricants "dry out" and flake off. The lead becomes exposed to ambient air and starts to oxidise. Oxidation changes the dimensions of the exposed bullet so that rounds may not chamber. Loss of lubrication causes bore leading and poor accuracy.
Various Current .22 Ammunition |
Recommended Storage:
- Buy as many Ammunition Containers as you need: Available from Army Surplus stores
- Get Silica Gel packs (kept at bottom of container to absorb any moisture in the air once sealed)
- Keep your store in a cool dry area in your home, Not in the Loft (Attic) - better in a basement or in a cupboard in a room which is at the part of the house which gets less sunlight or does not get much heating in Winter
- As always, make sure children or any other persons cannot gain access to your store
General ammunition Containers available at most Army Surplus Stores - SHTF / Prepping |
The Secret to a good Ammo Can is in the Rubber Seal - Inspect before purchasing! SHTF / Prepping |
Silica Gel - very recommended for your Ammo Container/s - SHTF / Prepping |
Doing a thorough search online, I guarantee you will hear stories of 30, 40, 50 and even 60 year old .22 Ammunition functioning well after having been forgotten in crates in peoples basements or garages, I even found somewhere on a forum a few month's ago someone saying they used the old .22LR Black Powder cartridges that were around 100 years old!