
Sunday 28 April 2013

Penetration Test # 4 .22LR

So we finally came down to editing & uploading the video of our 4th .22LR Penetration Test ... using Eley Club, we Finally Stopped the rounds so this video is a little more interesting and slightly longer with some still images of the deformed bullets etc.

Eley Club, Round Nosed 40 Grain Bullets, Subsonic at 1085 Feet Per Second advertised Muzzle Velocity - Shot at 25 yards Bench Rest.

All Layers of .22LR Penetration Test Separated & Laid Out

The Four Eley Club .22LR Mushroomed Bullets after Penetration with some Fragments

Two .22LR Penetration Cavities in Tin Metal ( Eley Club Subsonics )
 Next Week we will have something Really Interesting with a New Brand under Review!! Keep an eye out either here or on our Youtube Channel

Voting Poll Result #2

Here we have the second Poll Result, this time it was a multiple choice vote option and well, here it is below with the results;

Reason/s for Shooting Interest Voting / Poll Result

We will start a new poll sometime soon, keep a look out and Remember, there is no registration or anything just click your vote!

Friday 19 April 2013

.22LR Penetration Test / Ammo Review #3

Here is the 3rd Penetration Test, still going strong with Eley Club, .22LR Subsonic Round Nose - 40grain.
All details in the video! But something new, we recovered a bullet so check the level of deformity in the bullet head...

We already have another video soon ready for uploading, it is shot and Filmed, just need to get off my crack and edit it / upload to Youtube.... so give it a couple days and there should be a new video soon.

.22 Penetration Test - Metal, Front Impact Points
.22 Penetration Test, - Metal, Exit Cavity through 8 Layers of Tin Metal

Sunday 14 April 2013

.22 and other Rimfire Ammunition Shelflife ?

Many manufacturers of ammunition especially .22LR have a time frame or ''Manufacturers Consent'' of 2 years, what they mean by this is that they do not guarantee the efficiency or effectiveness after 2 years but, having said that, you will find many avid shooters and gun owners worldwide who have .22LR ammunition bought in the 1980's that still functions correctly and is still dead accurate as the day they bought it, it all boils down to storage / conditions.

Decades old .22LR Ammo
For example, one factor in .22 ammo is that some bullet lubricants "dry out" and flake off. The lead becomes exposed to ambient air and starts to oxidise. Oxidation changes the dimensions of the exposed bullet so that rounds may not chamber. Loss of lubrication causes bore leading and poor accuracy. 
Various Current .22 Ammunition
Recommended Storage:
  • Buy as many Ammunition Containers as you need: Available from Army Surplus stores
  • Get Silica Gel packs (kept at bottom of container to absorb any moisture in the air once sealed)
  • Keep your store in a cool dry area in your home, Not in the Loft (Attic) - better in a basement or in a cupboard in a room which is at the part of the house which gets less sunlight or does not get much heating in Winter
  • As always, make sure children or any other persons cannot gain access to your store
General ammunition Containers available at most Army Surplus Stores - SHTF / Prepping
The Secret to a good Ammo Can is in the Rubber Seal - Inspect before purchasing! SHTF / Prepping
Silica Gel - very recommended for your Ammo Container/s - SHTF / Prepping
Doing a thorough search online, I guarantee you will hear stories of  30, 40, 50 and even 60 year old .22 Ammunition functioning well after having been forgotten in crates in peoples basements or garages, I even found somewhere on a forum a few month's ago someone saying they used the old .22LR Black Powder cartridges that were around 100 years old!

Gun Control Never Solved Anything

Here is proof that banning something will never solve any problems, refer to the page in Wikipedia Gun Politics in the United Kingdom, here is a small snippet from the extensive and obviously well researched article:

'' After the 1996 atrocity, legislation was introduced in 1997 to prohibit, with some extremely specialised exemptions, pistols of all calibres and "Small firearms" with a barrel length of less than 30 cm or an overall length of less than 60 cm. Subsequently firearm homicides increased in the UK by 89% over the decade to 2009. ''

Why must we sit back and watch our alternative sports be slowly killed off?, why must we be punished for the wrong doings of a very Very small percentage of the population? Disarming citizens is Not the Solution - it is a Birth / God Given Right to Self Defence, no Government or Authority should ever encroach on that! no matter what the ''overall majority'' says

In Favour or Gun control?
Then you're also in favour of
and Genocide ....
It's a package deal !
Gun Control China Execution

Thursday 11 April 2013

Sexy Tactical Firearm of the Month: GSG-5E

This time around we will be featuring Tactical Rifles for the ''sexy firearm of the Month'' post & Today we have gone all out with this one, German engineering FTW!

The GSG-5 was launched in 2007 by German Sports Guns GmbH, the rifle is similar in design to the HK and some interchangeable parts makes it highly attractive to total gun nuts, further note that parts are also interchangeable from Airsoft variants too!

GSG 5 E .22LR Tactical

^ Myself if I ever got to fondle one >>

Chambered in .22LR, various magazine sizes are said to be available including a 110 round Drum Magazine.
Heckler & Koch has also won a lawsuit against GSG and the end result was that GSG had to stop manufacture of the rifles and had an allowable cut off date of sale of existing manufactured firearms (Until 31 January 2010) Contovercially, the American ATF in the Same Month decided that the previosuly approved Barrel Shroud (which was added to give the look of a real suppressor) was actually a suppressor despite the fact that it was not capable of operating as an actual ''silencer'' and therefore Recalled the Rifles under the National Firearms Act.

GSG-5 L sporting a Red Dot Sight

Tuesday 9 April 2013

.22 Long Range Shooting at 500 Yards !!

We just found this cool little video on youtube, they start at 200 Yards and work their way to 500 Yards with a Ruger 10/22 ...

There's just something about Long Range Plinking, oh how most of us in the UK wish we could have the freedom to do this here ....

Sunday 7 April 2013

.22LR Penetration Test ( Video Dissection ) #1

This is the video Dissection of our first .22LR Penetration Test using Eley Club Subsonics, further down in the posts we started doing these penetration tests, this one is the first and the 2nd has been uploaded a couple of days ago with a 3rd coming in another day or two.

If you have been following our Penetration tests, you will have already seen photo documentation of this test further below in the blog archive - here is the video dissection ...

Click Here to jump to the original post of this test which includes photo's etc.

Click Here for our most recently added Penetration Test using different materials.

Friday 5 April 2013

Rimfire Blog Viewers (Admin Announcement)

Since the very beginning the top 3 spots in Rimfire Blog viewer stats per country was the United Kingdom, followed by the United States in Second place and South Africa in Third.
Soon The US is going to take the top spot and Germany will kick SA into 4th place (for some reason Germany had a massive load of views in one day a couple of weeks ago which brought them into the top 5)

So, a Big Thank's to all our viewers and regular followers - we have also just launched a Youtube Channel and our first video is also in the below post for those interested!

Have a nice weekend ahead! Cheers from the UK

.22LR Penetration Test & Ammo Review # 2

Here it is! Our Second Penetration test using Eley's Club range, these round nosed subsonics are rated at 1085 fps (FYI The latest batch we are shooting are severely over coated with wax)
This time around there is a Youtube Hosted video showing target after the shoot and dissecting through the layers showing various stages of the cavities and penetration below:

To see our First Penetration Test using the same ammunition, Click Here.

There will be many more video tests and reviews coming up so keep an eye out, once the video is up on youtube we will post it here as well.