
Sunday 31 March 2013

FPS RUSSIA Raided by 40+ ATF & FBI agents

A couple of days ago, the famous Youtube personality and gun enthusiast Kyle Myers (Old youtube channel FPS Kyle) now known as FPS RUSSIA, had his family property raided in the search for explosives and probably to get a look at his arsenal, despite Tennerite (the explosive he uses in his videos) being legal with the right papers which he does possess!
According to news on the web they left ''empty handed'' - A couple of month's ago Kyles best buddy Keith R. Ratkliff (RIP) was killed apparently execution style, Keith was the Executive Producer of the FPS RUSSIA Youtube Channel which Kyle is the main personality.
This has raised many theories and suspicions especially if you know what is currently happening in the USA now in terms of government crackdowns, new tyrannic laws implemented daily and extreme policing and control.

FPS Russia Youtube Logo

In his youtube channel FPS Russia is a gun lover reviewing various firearms for his viewers (The 3.9 Million Subscribers), not only firearms but even heavy weaponry such as 40mm Bofors Pom Pom guns from WW2 Era, Hellcat Tank Destroyer right through down to the humble .22LR.

All of the firearms he gets access to are legal and he does all of the shooting on his family owned private property in the State of Georgia USA, yes, he is actually a US Citizen just enacting a Russian personality for his show.
FPS Russia destroying a zombie with a Recoiless Rifle

Officially, the ATF regards FPSRussia as a commercial undertaking, because “he [Myers] was using explosives and getting paid for it via YouTube.” If Kyle Myers is doing business in explosives, the ATF believes he should have had obtained a federal explosives manufacturing license needed “to engage in the business of manufacturing explosives for sale, distribution or for their own business,” the ATF spokesperson explained.

No illegal explosives were found and no arrests were made, but considering the unprecedented arsenal stocked at one of the locations, the agents considered confiscating Myers’ weapons. “The idea at one of the locations was to take firearms, but they did not do that,” an ATF spokesperson said, according to

The above video is a ''montage of destruction'' from his FPS RUSSIA channel - only 2+ min's long.
He also has a humourous side, watch the above video clip - this is probably one of the funniest, FPS Russia gets a friend to pepper spray him like a True Russian before attempting to shoot some informal targets with the Kel Tec Sub 2000 in .40 cal
We will be updating when and if any new developments come through, in the meantime ... Don't be Beech, go check out his channel!
Our information was obtained from

Monday 25 March 2013

Plinking at 400 Yards with a Ruger .22LR Pistol !

Nice little 3 Minute video where our fellow shooter from across the pond is sniping a metal target at 400 Yards with a Ruger Mk3 .22LR Pistol - Note: it only has a 4.5'' barrel

Thau Shalt Never underestimate the Power of the .22LR ! NEVERRRRRR ...

Sunday 24 March 2013

Voting Poll result #1

Finally the polls closed on our first voting poll which was: ''What is your favourite type of rifle?''

Unfortunately not many visitors made the effort to vote, so if you are a regular or if you plan on visiting again, please remember to vote, you do not need to log in or give any details, it is one click and you're done!

Vote options;
  • Semi Auto
  • Bolt Action
  • Lever Action
  • Pump Action
There were no votes for pump action or lever action, the end result was a Tie for Semi Auto and Bolt Action...
Bolt Action Rifles vs Semi Auto's Rimfire Blog Vote

Friday 22 March 2013

Legal Pistols for UK

We just wanted to show our fellow shooters & Firearms Enthusiasts overseas what is still actually legal in the United Kingdom in terms of Pistols, since we are the Rimfire Blog we will only be showcasing some in .22LR Calibre.

As you can see in the below images, the Pistols have to have an extended barrel (yes, they are not suppressors / moderators) and also a horrible extention connected to the grip thereby extending the length even further!

These are the Pro TSC 1911 .22LR pistols Made in Germany...

PRO TSC .22LR 1911 Pistols in Tactical and two tone with wooden grip

PRO TSC .22LR 1911 Pistol
PRO TSC .22LR 1911 Pistol - not the various barrel options between the different images above

Going for around £800 or less, I for one find the pricing and the fact that you still have to (by law) have the ridiculous extentions added on, just makes this too sad to comply with, I'd rather keep shooting rifles, you can pick up a decent brand new .22LR for as low as £175 even in Semi Auto.

Handguns including small calibre such as .22LR were outlawed in 1997 following the 1996 Dunblane Massacre.

Last year there was a petition to reclassify .22LR pistols as Section 1 FAC licences which failed to get enough votes by the public (only 13,000 of the 100,000 needed) It would be a good idea to say that a person wanting a .22LR pistol should have already owned or currently own a .22LR, .22WMR or .17HMR Rifle and  have been shooting for no shorter than a year.

Monday 18 March 2013

Vote for your favourite Rifle ! only 5 days left ...

Voting for your favourite type of rifle is Still On !! Bolt Action was in the lead but again it is now neck and neck with Semi Auto, no votes yet for Pump Action and Lever Action
We have 5 days left for the vote poll and you don't need to be a registered blog user or anything, just click and that's all

THE VOTE BOX IS AT BOTTOM OF THE RIGHT SIDE PANEL                                   >  >  >

Friday 15 March 2013

.22LR Penetration Test & Ammo Review

Welcome back! As promised, here is the result of our penetration test;

I have some weird obsession with the penetration characteristics of various types of ammunition, I have noticed how the majority of individual shooters who make penetration test reviews and videos seem to be quite closed minded in terms of target materials and overall setup. Most tests you will find online are merely bottles filled with water and shot with a few different brands and velocities of ammo. or metal plates, soft drink cans (soda cans) etc.

We have created a pretty nice multi layered And multi material target which has 3 impact points which will test one type of ammunition for the time being ( Eley Club, 40grain 1085fps ) and it's different impact points and penetration ability or difficulty between each layer.
It is one target with all 3 target aim points in one, yet multiple material layers beneath each level, Materials include:
  • Tin Cans eg: beans, soup etc.,
  • Hardened Cardboard,
  • Folded Soft Drink Cans (Aluminium),
  • Plastics of two thicknesses and density,
  • Rubber Strips,
  • Electrical Tape (Not thick, only to hold target and layers together as well as separating aim points.
  • TARGET WEIGHT BEFORE SHOOTING: 135+Grams (using analogue kitchen scale so not entirely exact)
Level 1 (thin thickness section):
15.5mm of all materials combined including a +-3mm dead space (empty space)
Level 2 (medium thickness section):
17mm of all materials combined - this level has No dead space area / part
Level 3 (thickest section):
21mm of all materials combined - this level has No dead space area / part
Eley Club .22LR - 1085 fps Penetration Test

Triple Layer & Multiple Material .22LR Penetration Target
 I shot the target at 25 yards, hot good clean hits but did also experience 2x shots which slightly skimmed the top, these were not counted as it became obvious they didn't hit all materials in Layer 3.

.22LR Metal Penetration (nice clean hit on layer 1)
 In Layers 1 & 2, we had good penetration through all metal plates, plastics, hardened cardboard, Rubber etc. The above is the final plate in front of the final Rubber and plastic layers in Level 1.
.22LR: The two that skimmed and slightly missed some materials in Level 3's test
 As you can see above we just clipped the target spot and thereby will not count these two shots as they definitely missed a few layers in Level 3.
.22LR Penetration Test - Back of target blasted out but semi intact
 Finally, the back of the target - blown nicely out but still relatively intact! The conclusion is that we have severely misunderestimated the power of the .22LR - we expected Layer 3 to stop the round but had penetration anyway ... so the good news for you is that we will come back with a Layer 4 which we will make to stop this ammunition ( Eley club - 1085 fps ) and will post the update here in the near future!

A video of this may be posted sometime soon too, so keep an eye on this space! Come back soon as we will be describing what materials were in each Layer of today's test.
to be continued .....

Thursday 7 March 2013

Thank God for the Second Amendment !

Wow, if there's one thing that's great of the USA, it's their Right to Bear Arms ( The Second Amendment ) something Every country needs, in the past few decades we have seen extreme changes in Laws that negatively affect recreational shooters, hunters, sportsmen / women and citizens who believe in the right to self defence. Although I personally believe that we can change that and force the Governments worldwide through People Power to review and change their laws.

When you think, yes, anti gun lobbyists are right to a sense that guns were invented to kill, yet centuries later they turned into a sporting tool where people could hunt, compete or just have fun on a family or father to son day out, now why must good law abiding people have to pay with their liberties just because some government official saw an opportunity to win votes by giving the anti gun lobbyists what they have been moaning for? Why should an entire population of a Nation have restricted or No Ownership rights just because of the odd killing or nutter going beserk with a gun and killing a group of people?

Below here is a great example of how nice it is in the ol USA ... This Mossberg 702, .22LR semi auto with scope, 2 extra magazines + the one supplied & about 300+ rounds of bulk ammo! All for the price of Only £146 ! The rifle features a tip down forend so will appeal to the tactical enthusiasts also with it's synthetic thumbhole pistol grip type stock .... Where can you ever find any deal like this in the UK ?
PS: Relax, it is already sold!

Mossberg 702 Plinkster .22LR semi auto with synthetic thumbhole, tactical style tip-down forend

Tuesday 5 March 2013

High Capacity Banana Magazines

High Capacity Banana Magazines - CONTROVERSY !!

Monday 4 March 2013

.22LR Penetration Test & Ammo Review

In a few of days we will post the outcome of a .22LR penetration test that we are going to undertake in a couple of days, The test will both be penetration and ammunition review, the target is designed in multiple layers of different materials so the ammunition will be tested thoroughly! In most penetration tests shooters either change the ammunition or just use the same ammo. on seperate targets, we have made One target with multiple layers of materials and each layer will get rounds put through it, we will use the same ammunition and then review the depth of penetration and resulting bullet deformity.

Sneak hint of the ammo: 40grain, 1085fps Round Nose, Brand kept secret for now, come back to see what it is ....

Update: click Here to jump to the Penetration Test Result

Sunday 3 March 2013

Over The Top Gun Control / Laws: Australia

We will be publishing articles or videos on Crazy Gun control and laws from around the world, I was highly surprised to find out that Australia is just as bad as here in the UK with extreme over the top strictness which is said to be to fight crime but statistics always prove later how crime increases when citizens have their firearms forcibly removed, here the guys on the youtube channel Iraqveteran 8888 explain in detail the restrictions in Australia and give their opinion as general gun owning Americans who believe in the right to bear arms and self defence, 14+min video - worth the watch...

Rimfire Semi Auto vs Bolt Action!

There is a war going on between Semi Auto shooters and the Bolt Action nuts, we have voter opinion polls and the current one is ''what is your favourite type of rifle'' - at the moment Semi Auto is winning by One vote
So come on - support your favourite as no one has even voted for Lever Action or Pump Actions yet and there's limited time before the vote closes ....

Vote box at bottom of the right side panel (scroll down) >>